miƩrcoles, 2 de junio de 2010

Links you may use in your lesson plan

We recommend some link to better carry out their class!!!
We hope you will work...

The firts link is for creating videos tutorial
The second is for compress files...

Songs about animals...

Everybody enjoys the "song time" here are a couple songs that you can sing during your class, one is about an elephant and the other is five little monkeys, this song we enjoy it a lot because is very fun and pretty...and children learn numbers from 1-5 and also about animals...here the lyric of five little monkeys:

Five litle monkeys.

Lyrics and actions:

Five little monkeys (Hold up five fingers.)
jumping on the bed. (Jump up and down.)
One fell off (Hold up one finger and then roll your hand down towards the floor.)
and bumped his head. (Tap your head with your fist.)
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, (Put your pinky to your mouth and thumb to your ear like a telephone.)
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" (Put one hand on your hip and wag your index finger.)

Four little monkeys (Hold up four fingers.)
jumping on the bed. (Jump up and down.)
One fell off (Hold up one finger and then roll your hand down towards the floor.)
and bumped his head. (Tap your head with your fist.)
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, (Put your pinky to your mouth and thumb to your ear like a telephone.)
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" (Put one hand on your hip and wag your index finger.)

Three little monkeys (Hold up three fingers.)
jumping on the bed. (Jump up and down.)
One fell off (Hold up one finger and then roll your hand down towards the floor.)
and bumped her head. (Tap your head with your fist.)
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, (Put your pinky to your mouth and thumb to your ear like a telephone.)
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" (Put one hand on your hip and wag your index finger.)

Two little monkeys (Hold up two fingers.)
jumping on the bed. (Jump up and down.)
One fell off (Hold up one finger and then roll your hand down towards the floor.)
and bumped his head. (Tap your head with your fist.)
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, (Put your pinky to your mouth and thumb to your ear like a telephone.)
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" (Put one hand on your hip and wag your index finger.)

One little monkey (Hold up one finger.)
jumping on the bed. (Jump up and down.)
She fell off (Hold up one finger and then roll your hand down towards the floor.)
and bumped her head. (Tap your head with your fist.)
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, (Put your pinky to your mouth and thumb to your ear like a telephone.)
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" (Put one hand on your hip and wag your index finger.)

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

The students of the 21st century...

In this days the students are different, here i present you 2 videos about it,please enjoy them , one is about how we need to change our ways to educate and the other is telling us why we need to change the education and that is because our generation is changing , because of the technology...we have to change our education..children need a change in education...


On this page you will find some skills that our children have children from preschool age to the older kids ... This is very helpful to parents and teachers in teaching children .... we will leave the link for you visit it and leave your comment
This is a very good link for teachers and parents and has a lot to learn because it has crafts and games where the child can awaken your imagination and discover certain skills ... so I'll leave the link here for you to visit.

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

today i was just watching some videos at youtube and i found a very interesting video, at the end they put their website adress so obviously i have to recommend this site :


Here you can find songs for teaching english , and they are very simple for them...please visit the site...and enjony the link of this video :


miƩrcoles, 26 de mayo de 2010


Welcome to: learn is fun, where you will find important issues for the children, students, parents, etc. Today's topic is: THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COLORS.

Considering that the activities are for children for an age of three, the activity should be short and easy. This will make their learning more significant.

The primary colors are:

Primary colors cannot be made from other colors. The other colors are created by mixing primary colors.

The secondary colors are:
Violet (purple)

Each secondary color is made from the two primary colors closest to it on the color wheel.
Just by mixing these colors, you can get all the secundary colors.


Teaching of mathematics in children 3 years is very important because the experience I've had and still have with these children is that they must gradually teach the numbers from 1 to 5 and that is enough for his age because if we're getting more numbers are going to charge that after demucho and can be boring for them because they already know them ... it's better to discover them gradually and have the proper age for that range of numbers.
